My Process

I start each piece with an open, adventurous mind. I pick the paper and a first color then see what happens. I walk away, give it time to evolve on its own, then decide what to do next: imagine what I can do to help it come to life. And so the materials and my mood decide what the outcome will be.

Watercolor inks come in vibrant colors and are highly concentrated. Between brands there is a variety of thickness or weight which greatly effects how they interact with each other. These inks are applied to a wet surface in lines, drops, and splatters. I start with one color to see where it goes - you never can be too sure and that is what makes this fun! Variables in materials such as very thick watercolor paper or a synthetic Yupo paper will determine how deep the color pools appear and how they spread. Adding patches and strands of gauze help to capture specific color fields and create texture and depth. Other methods, developing daily, include paper folds and masked spaces.